What’s New at AutoStem



The Wireless Trigger Unit can be programmed with a handheld wireless programming tool as well as the Wireless Blasting unit to embed a unique firing ID and Firing timing delay. The Wireless Blasting Unit will then also be used to implement the ARM and FIRE sequence wirelessly. The bespoke Wireless Blasting Unit will feature a Control Panel that allows an operator to plan, and program each Trigger Unit.

The Wireless Trigger Unit will contain an internal battery to power the unit. The wireless unit will be unpowered when shipped/supplied, with the battery featuring a long shelf life of a few years. The Trigger Units can be completely and safely programmed off-site.

When ready to use, the Wireless Trigger Unit will be attached to the cartridge or wired to the cartridge’s fuse and can be tailored to suit specific cartridges and respective sizes (diameters), and fuse connections. The Trigger Unit features a magnetic switch to power-on and communicates to the Blasting Unit via an encrypted radio signal. The Wireless Trigger Unit – if not attached already –can then be attached to the cartridge/fuse and is then ready for insertion while still not in armed state. All cartridges can be inserted into the relevant blasting holes, and in the correct timing/firing order.

When safe and ready, the operator will enter a predefined arming code into the Blasting Unit (before the arming key is turned), and the arming process can commence – wirelessly, safely and at a distance. Where necessary radio repeaters can be used to extend the signal range.

The Wireless Blasting Unit will communicate with every single unit and arm them individually. They will respond OK when they are armed and display their individual status on the Blasting Unit – showing the arming progress and status/success in real time. The Wireless Blasting Unit will thus indicate if there was an error with any of the Wireless Trigger Units.

When all Wireless Trigger Units are READY, the firing button can be pressed. The firing command will be sent to all the units. The Wireless Trigger Units will then time their relevant delay and fire as programmed to its pre-set delay.

At any time before firing, the arming can be cancelled and reversed, and if the firing command was not given in a specified pre-set time after arming, the units automatically disarm. The status of each Wireless Trigger Units will always be available and on display in real time.


Hardware Features

  • The internal timer unit is designed to time from 25 ms. to 60 000 ms. (60 sec.) with a 25 ms. programmable resolution.
  • Unlimited simultaneous timers usable per blast, limited only by practicality.
  • Full wireless programming, arming and firing.
  • Internal battery.
  • Waterproof.
  • Magnetic ON/OFF switch


Connections Features

  • Wired and/or Wireless Ports for connection to Blaster for programming.
  • Wired OUTPUT connection to Fuse.



  • The arming process will contain multiple safety stages and redundancies.
  • Multiple hardwired safety circuits will be implemented.
  • The whole wireless communications and firing process is via standard-based encrypted radio communications signals with built in fallbacks.
  • Each Wireless Trigger Unit will have a random encrypted arming code, only known to the Wireless Blasting Unit that programmed the specific Wireless Trigger Unit.
  • The Trigger Units remains completely inactive until they are activated before they are inserted into a hole along with explosives


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