AutoStem offers a diverse range of cartridges tailored to various requirements, categorized by weight, diameter, and initiation mechanisms.
AutoStem Micro
(0.35 inch)
- Variants: Available in 3g, 6g and 9g charges.
- Initiation Mechanics: Available in the Standard variant only.
- Applications: Extremely sensitive blasting work. Typical application will be the breaking of concrete, small boulders in confined spaces or the splitting of rock.
- Maximum blasthole diameter: 12mm (0.47 inch)

AutoStem Mini
(0.67 inch)
- Variants: Available in 20g, 30g and 40g charges.
- Initiation Mechanics: Available in the Standard variant only.
- Applications: More significant but still sensitive blasting work. Typical application will be the breaking of thicker concrete, bigger boulders, demolition work, splitting of larger rock formations and logging.
- Maximum blasthole diameter: 20mm (0.79 inch)

AutoStem Generation |||
(1.38 inch)
- Variants: Available in 100g, 180g and 300g charges.
- Initiation Mechanics: Available in the Standard and Sequential cartridge variants.
- Safety Switch: Standard cartridges contain a safety switch where Sequential cartridges do not.
- Applications: Typical application will be the breaking of in situ rock found in civil construction, underground mining, secondary blasting, and demolition work.
- Maximum blasthole diameter: 38mm (1.50 inch)

AutoStem Generation III
(1.69 inch)
- Variants: Available in 350g, and 550g charges.
- Initiation Mechanics: Available in the Standard and Sequential cartridge variants.
- Safety Switch: Standard cartridges contain a safety switch where Sequential cartridges do not.
- Applications: Typical application will be the breaking of in situ rock found in civil construction, underground mining, secondary blasting, toes and crests, and extreme demolition work.
- Maximum blasthole diameter: 46mm (1.81 inch)

AutoStem Generation III
1 700g
(3.75 pounds)
- Variants: 83mm (3.27 inch) and 87mm (3.42 inch)
- Initiation Mechanics: Available in the Standard and Sequential cartridge variants.
- Safety Switch: Standard cartridges contain a safety switch where Sequential cartridges do not.
- Applications: Typical application will be benching in the opencast mining environment bulk excavations of situ rock found in civil construction and, shaft sinking. Deck load charging with in-hole spacing of 2.5 to 3.0m will be the norm across the length of the hole.
- Maximum blasthole diameter: 89mm (3.50 inch) for the 83mm (3.43 inch) cartridge and, 102mm (4.0 inch) for the 87mm (3.43 inch) cartridge. It is recommended that a stemming device is used with this hole diameter.

All Standard cartridges except the micro cartridges feature a safety switch to prevent accidental initiation. Sequential cartridges, lacking a built-in initiation device, need an accessory detonator assembly to become operational and thus do not require a safety switch.